Sunday, February 11, 2007

Our Appointment

On Tuesday, Jeff, my Mom and myself went to the appointment with the endocrinologist. He explained to us that Sam's growth hormone levels are undetectable. He said that he could not explain how this has happened but that his pituitary gland is of normal size and that it makes him a candidate for growth hormone. The tricky part is that this is a daily injection until Sam reaches adulthood or until we feel that he should no longer be on it. The doctor told us that since the shots are incredibly expensive almost every insurance company will fight this for a while until they have absolute proof that he is not growing. They have this, thankfully, because Sam has many records of his height and weight throughout the past 2 years. Jeff and I have felt for a long time that there was definitely something wrong with the way that he was growing but found it very difficult to get them to take it seriously. The doctor wants us to start this treatment in April and told us that within 2 years he would be where he should be in size. It's a little scary having to commit to something for so many years,but we will have to seriously consider this. We will be seeing a neurologist in the next week due to the Doctor's concerns with him being delayed with his walking and other things. Please continue praying for Sam. I know God has such a special plan for him no matter how scary the path may be to get there.

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Sam-1 week

Sam-1 week

Sam @ 5 months

Sam @ 5 months

May 2006

May 2006
Night Before Sam's Surgery

July 2006

July 2006
Two months surgery