Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Sam had his evaluation done this week on his fine motor skills, gross motor skills, speech, and cognitive skills. These evaluations are so scary. You are told what level they are on and how far that they are behind. It has yet to be a pleasant experience. Everyone involved in the evaluating is so nice, it's just that the results are often not what you want to hear. They recommended that Sam continue in the three therapies that he is receiving as well as start occupational therapy. His results for cognitive was 27 months which is right on target. But, as far as the rest, they ranged from 13 months to about 20 months. Whenever we get discouraging news, I try to only spend one day upset. Then, get up, give it to the Lord, and move on it. This isn't always the case, but I do try. So, the positive outlook is that it could have been much worse. Sam could have ranked much lower cognitively or on the other hand, he could have just barely passed which would have disqualified him from getting the therapy that he needs.

Today, Sam went to the plastic surgeon. He said he thought all along that Sam should have been on the growth hormones. He even contacted Sam's pediatrician several times about it. We had no idea! He said he has seen such great results with it. That is always good to hear. He wants to correct the palate eventually. It is too short on one side. He thinks that Sam is still too small for another surgery and we will see him again in three months. I am glad to wait.

Thank you all for praying with us! I cannot thank you enough.

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Sam-1 week

Sam-1 week

Sam @ 5 months

Sam @ 5 months

May 2006

May 2006
Night Before Sam's Surgery

July 2006

July 2006
Two months surgery