Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Sam is seeing the endocrinologist today. We will be measuring him and taking another blood sample to see if his growth hormone levels have changed. If they have not changed, we will begin the daily injections of growth hormones.=( One good thing is that Sam recently outgrew a pair of shoes. Big Deal? Yes!!!He has been wearing the same pair of shoes since he started to wear shoes at about 6 months of age. We just bought a new size for him. It's funny how these little steps make us excited where as with my other kids, we dread when they have to get new shoes. Eli and him wear the same size clothes, which makes sorting laundry extra fun.=) They are looking more and more like little twins. Everyone thinks that they are. HIs walking is continuing to improve. He loves to show off and take a few steps but is very stubborn when it comes to actually practicing. He likes for it to be on his own time. I don't know where he gets that from.(me?) AS far as his speech goes, he is still struggling with saying most of his consonants. We are working on some daily massaging and stretching in and around his mouth to improve the muscle tone.
Thank you all for your prayers and I will do better at keeping this blog and my other blog updated.

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Sam-1 week

Sam-1 week

Sam @ 5 months

Sam @ 5 months

May 2006

May 2006
Night Before Sam's Surgery

July 2006

July 2006
Two months surgery